# Delphi で Pascal-S をコンパイルする (ANSI 版 Delphi) --- tags: Delphi programming Pascal embarcadero objectpascal created_at: 2019-02-11 updated_at: 2020-03-11 --- # はじめに Pascal-S という Pascal インタプリタを最新の Delphi でコンパイルできるように改変する記事を書きました。 - [Delphi で Pascal-S をコンパイルする (Qiita)](./77052d1f3c3c1a927034.md) 本記事はその Pascal-S を ANSI 版 Delphi でコンパイルしてみようという趣旨です。実際に用いた Delphi コンパイラは Delphi 2007 R2 なのですが、特殊な事をやっていないので、Delphi 6 や 7 とかでも大丈夫なハズです。 # 修正 以降で修正を行いますので、前回同様まずはアーカイブを適当な場所に展開しておいてください。 ## プロジェクトを開く Pascal-S は単一のソースファイル (pascals.pas) で構成されているので、これを Delphi で開けるように拡張子を *dpr に変更します。アーカイブでのパスは `/source/pascals.pas` です。 ![image.png](./images/b91bec50-efdd-777e-4d9b-2b67cc343edb.png) [ファイル | プロジェクトを開く] で pascals.dpr を開きます。 ![image.png](./images/64c9f151-753e-9089-f0a9-a9958e3ca3e2.png) ## コードの修正 (コンパイルエラーの除去) まずはコンパイルエラーになる箇所をすべて潰します。 ### コンソールアプリケーションの指定 コンソールアプリケーションとして動作させるために、`{$APPTYPE CONSOLE}` を追加します。 ```pascal ... program Pascals(input{+ [sam]}, output, srcfil{ [sam]}); (* 1.6.75 *) (* N. Wirth, E.T.H CH-8092 Zurich *) {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} // <-- 追加 label 99; ... ``` - [Application の種類(Delphi)(DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/ja/Application_%E3%81%AE%E7%A8%AE%E9%A1%9E%EF%BC%88Delphi%EF%BC%89) ### 競合する識別子をリネーム `object` という識別子が競合するので `objekt` にリネームします。キーボードショートカットの〔Ctrl〕+〔R〕、またはメインメニューの [検索 | 置換] で置換ダイアログが開きます。**ワード検索**にチェックを入れておくといいでしょう。 ![image.png](./images/8b47371f-9659-faa8-2ba8-bf650a380bea.png) [すべて置換] ボタンを押して全置換します。 ### ラベル 99 を削除 ラベル `99` を使った大域ジャンプが行われているので、これを削除します。Borland 系 Pascal での goto は**手続き内 goto** (intraprocedural gotos) であり、手続き/関数の外側へジャンプする事はできません。 ラベル `99` はプログラムの最後に設定されているので、ここにジャンプしている **goto** 文は `Halt` で置き換えます。 - [goto 文 (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/ja/%E5%AE%A3%E8%A8%80%E3%81%A8%E6%96%87%EF%BC%88Delphi%EF%BC%89#goto_.E6.96.87) - [System.Halt (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/ja/System.Halt) ラベルの定義を削除します。 ```pascal ... {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} // label 99; // 削除 const nkw = 27; (* no. of key words *) ... ``` `goto 99` を `Halt` で置き換えます。 ```pascal procedure nextch; (* read next character; process line end *) begin if cc = ll then begin if eof(srcfil) {[sam]} then begin writeln; writeln(' program incomplete'); errormsg; // goto 99 // 削除 halt; // 追加 end; if errpos <> 0 then begin writeln; errpos := 0 end; write(lc:5, ' '); ll := 0; cc := 0; while not eoln(srcfil) {[sam]} do begin ll := ll+1; read(srcfil{[sam]}, ch); write(ch); line[ll] := ch end; writeln; ll := ll+1; read(srcfil{[sam]}, line[ll]); end; cc := cc+1; ch := line[cc]; end (* nextch *); ``` もう一か所あります。 ```pascal procedure fatal(n: integer); var msg: array [1..7] of alfa; begin writeln; errormsg; msg[ 1] := 'identifier'; msg[ 2] := 'procedures'; msg[ 3] := 'reals '; msg[ 4] := 'arrays '; msg[ 5] := 'levels '; msg[ 6] := 'code '; msg[ 7] := 'strings '; writeln(' compiler table for ', msg[n], ' is too small'); // goto 99 (* terminate compilation *) // 削除 Halt; // 追加 end (* fatal *); ``` ラベルを削除します。 ```pascal ... if errs = [] then begin if iflag then begin if eof then writeln(' input data missing') else begin writeln(' (eor) '); (* copy input data *) while not eof do begin write(' '); while not eoln do begin read(ch); write(ch) end; writeln; read(ch) end; end end; writeln(' (eof) '); interpret end else errormsg; //99: // 削除 end. ``` ### 変数 inum の型を変更 inum を使っている式の一部が必ず False と判定されるので、型を `Int64` (符号つき 64bit 整数) へ変更します。 ```pascal ... var sy: symbol; (* last symbol read by insymbol *) id: alfa; (* identifier from insymbol *) // inum: integer; (* integer from insymbol *) // 削除 inum: Int64; (* integer from insymbol *) // 追加 ``` ### 初期化されていない変数の初期化 forstatement() 内の変数 `cvt` が初期化されていないので初期化しておきます。 ```pascal procedure forstatement; var cvt: types; x: item; i, f, lc1, lc2: integer; begin insymbol; cvt := notyp; // 追加 if sy = ident then begin i := loc(id); insymbol; ... ``` これでコンパイルエラーは取り除かれました。 ## コードの修正 (不具合の修正) この時点ではまだ正しく動作しません。不具合を修正します。 ※ 以後、ソースコードを見やすくするために、オリジナルコードとは一部改行位置が異なる箇所があります。ご注意ください。 ### 入力ファイルを受け付けるようにする `pascals ファイル名` で実行できるようにしたいので、AssignFile() を追加します。 ```pascal ... begin { main program } { [sam] Added sign-on } writeln; writeln('Pascal-S compiler/interpreter'); { [sam] If you need to associate 'srcfil' with an external file in the source, do that here } AssignFile(srcfil, ParamStr(1)); // 追加 reset(srcfil); ... ``` 簡易的には上記コードでも構わないのですが、以下のようにすると使い勝手がよくなるでしょう。 - 指定されたファイルが存在しない場合には即終了 - 拡張子が指定されなかった場合には *.pas とみなす ファイル操作系の関数が `SysUtils` で定義されているので **uses** に追加します。 ```pascal program Pascals(input{+ [sam]}, output, srcfil{ [sam]}); (* 1.6.75 *) (* N. Wirth, E.T.H CH-8092 Zurich *) {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses // 追加 SysUtils; // 追加 ... ``` 処理を追加します。 ```pascal ... stab: packed array [0..smax] of char; (* string table *) rconst: array [1..c2max] of real; code: array [0..cmax] of order; srcfil: TextFile; { source input file [sam] } filename: string; // 追加 ... begin { main program } { [sam] Added sign-on } writeln; writeln('Pascal-S compiler/interpreter'); { [sam] If you need to associate 'srcfil' with an external file in the source, do that here } filename := ParamStr(1); // 追加 if (filename <> '') and (ExtractFileExt(filename) = '') then // 追加 filename := ChangeFileExt(filename, '.pas'); // 追加 if not FileExists(filename) then // 追加 begin // 追加 writeln('File not found.'); // 追加 Halt; // 追加 end; // 追加 AssignFile(srcfil, filename); // 追加 reset(srcfil); ... ``` 変数 filename は上の方に定義しなくても、 ```pascal var // 追加 filename: string; // 追加 begin { main program } ``` このようにメインプログラムの **begin** の直上に **var** ブロックを追加すれば定義できる (**var** ブロックは複数設置できる) のですが **var** ブロックが複数あるとゴチャゴチャするので個人的には 1 箇所にまとめておきたいです。 - [System.AssignFile (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/ja/System.AssignFile) - [System.ParamStr (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/ja/System.ParamStr) - [System.SysUtils.ChangeFileExt (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/ja/System.SysUtils.ChangeFileExt) - [System.SysUtils.ExtractFileExt (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/ja/System.SysUtils.ExtractFileExt) - [System.SysUtils.FileExists (DocWiki)](http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/ja/System.SysUtils.FileExists) ### 制御文字のスキップ Pascal-S のアーカイブに含まれる test.pas を実行しようとしても無限ループで止まってしまいます。これは改行文字 (0x0A) をスキップしない事が原因なので、制御文字と半角 SP をすべてスキップするように書き換えます。 ```pascal ... begin (* insymbol *) //1: while ch = ' ' do nextch; // 削除 1: while (ch in [#$00 .. #$20, #$7F]) do nextch; // 追加 ... ``` ### 無限ループ防止 (1) 大文字アルファベットやアンダーバーで始まる識別子も受け付けるようにします。 ```pascal begin (* insymbol *) //1: while ch = ' ' do nextch; 1: while (ch in [#$00 .. #$20, #$7F]) do nextch; // if ch in ['a'..'z'] then // 削除 if (ch in ['_', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z']) then // 追加 begin (* word *) k := 0; id := ' '; repeat if k < alng then begin k := k + 1; id[k] := ch end; nextch // until not (ch in ['a' .. 'z', '0' .. '9']); // 削除 until not (ch in ['_', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', '0' .. '9']); // 追加 ... ``` ### 無限ループ防止 (2) 受け付けない文字はすべてエラーにします。 ```pascal ... '+', '-', '*', '/', ')', '=', ',', '[', ']', '#', '&', ';': begin sy := sps[ch]; nextch end; // '$', '%', '@', '\', '~', '{', '}', '^': // 削除 // begin // 削除 // error(24); // 削除 // nextch; // 削除 // goto 1 // 削除 // end // 削除 else // 追加 error(24); // 追加 nextch; // 追加 goto 1 // 追加 end end (* insymbol *); ... ``` ### プログラムロケーションカウンタ プログラムロケーションカウンタを正しく表示できるようにします。プログラムロケーションカウンタは内部で使用される行番号のようなものです。 ```pascal ... procedure nextch; (* read next character; process line end *) begin if cc = ll then begin if eof(srcfil) { [sam] } then begin writeln; writeln(' program incomplete'); errormsg; Halt; end; if errpos <> 0 then begin writeln; errpos := 0 end; write(lc:5, ' '); ll := 0; cc := 0; while not eoln(srcfil) { [sam] } do begin ll := ll + 1; read(srcfil { [sam] } , ch); // write(ch); // 削除 if (ch in [#$0A, #$0D]) then // 追加 ch := #$00 // 追加 else // 追加 write(ch); // 追加 line[ll] := ch end; writeln; ll := ll + 1; read(srcfil { [sam] } , line[ll]); end; cc := cc + 1; ch := line[cc]; end (* nextch *); ... ``` ## 実行 これで test.pas が実行できるようになりました! ![image.png](./images/2a0413ca-a141-b662-9da5-f1dfbbff4f4c.png) アーカイブの `/sample_programs` にある *.pas も実行できますヨ! ※プログラムファイルの改行コードは CRLF にしておいてください。 # おわりに ANSI 版の Delphi の方が修正項目が少なかったですよね。 伝統的な Pascal のソースコードを移植する場合には一旦、Turbo Pascal や ANSI 版 Delphi (Delphi 2007 以前) へ移植してから Unicode 版 Delphi (Delphi 2009 以降) へ移植すると、Unicode 特有の問題とそれ以外を切り分けられるので作業が捗るかと思います。 **「ANSI 版 Delphi なんて売ってないじゃないか!」** と思われるかもしれませんが、最新版の Delphi を購入すれば、ANSI 版を含む古い Delphi が入手可能なのです。例えば Delphi 10.3 Rio を購入すると以下のバージョンの Delphi を入手できます。 - Delphi 7 (ANSI) - Delphi 2007 (ANSI) - Delphi 2009, 2010 (Unicode) - Delphi XE ~ XE8 (Unicode) - Delphi 10 Seattle (Unicode) - Delphi 10.1 Berlin (Unicode) - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo (Unicode) ※ 残念ながら Community Edition には古い Delphi は付いてきません。 ※ Turbo Pascal 5.5 は現在でも合法的に無償で入手可能です。 - [Delphi 旧バージョン (Embarcadero)](https://www.embarcadero.com/jp/products/delphi/previous-versions) - [Delphi のご先祖を辿る (Qiita)](./b41b0cd45181aec522d4.md) ## 改変ソースコード ANSI 版も手動で整形したソースコードを置いておきます。 ```pascal:pascals.dpr {****************************************************************************** * * * Pascal-s entered from wirth's Pascal-s document and converted for * * ISO 7185 use. * * * * The original environment of pascal (CDC computer) used a special access * * method where the input file was split into "segments" and special methods * * were used to access these segments. I have changed things to open the file * * "input.pas", and compile the program from there. Input and output then * * occur from the simulated program normally. Very few changes were made to * * accomplish this. * * * * See the original document for more information. * * * * Changes were also made to bring the program into compliance with * * ISO 7185 Pascal. * * * * S. A. Moore * * samiam@moorecad.com * * * * A brief overview of what is subsetted in Pascal-S: * * * * 1. Curly bracket mode comments are not supported. They are recognized and * * dealt with as an error, however (see "insymbol"). * * * * 2. Subrange types are not implemented (type a = 1..10). * * * * 3. Scalar types are not implemented (type a = (one, two, three). * * * * 4. Sets are not implemented. * * * * 5. Files other than the "input" or "output" files are not implemented. * * * * 6. Dynamic variables (pointers) are not implemented. * * * * 7. Variant records are not implemented. * * * * 8. Gotos are not implemented. * * * * 9. The predefined functions succ and pred only function on type char. * * * * 10. Packing, the "packed" keyword, and the "pack" and "unpack" procedures, * * are not implemented. * * * * 11. "get", "put", and file buffer variable handling are not implemented. * * * * 12. Strings are unimplemented, except for literals as parameters to * * write/writeln, and those cannot have field lengths applied to them. * * * * 13. The "forward" specifier, and forwarded procedures and functions, are * * not implemented. * * * * For more details on what is or is not implemented in Pascal-s, see the * * original documentation by N. Wirth. * * * * Changes made: * * * * 1. The "+" sign was removed from "input" in the header. This signaled to * * The CDC 6400 compiler that the input file was segmented, and contained both * * The program and its input. * * * * To complete the separation of the program file from the input file, the * * program file was formalized as "srcfil", placed in the header, and all * * source reads directed to that. The "getseg" call used to advance segmented * * input to the next section was removed. This actually makes the program * * closer to both the standard and [J&W] (non CDC methods). * * * * 2. "downto" and "do" were swapped in the key table. This is nessary because * * the CDC 6400 character set places space above, not below the other * * characters as in ASCII. * * * * 3. On the CDC 6400 computer, integers greater than 48 bits are not * * garanteed to be valid, so the maximum for any number is set to that in * * nmax. I set it to maxint, which should work anywhere. * * * * 4. I increased the sizes quite a bit to enable large program processing. * * Included are the string table, the code table, and various others. Pascal-s * * came from a time when memory was more precious. * * * * 5. I changed the exponent of real minimum and maximum to match IEEE 754 * * standard 64 bit floating point numbers. The size of significant digits did * * not need changing, since both IEEE 754 and CDC 6400 use a 48 bit mantissa. * * * * 6. Added a constant "inxmax" that indicates the maximum ordinal value of * * the character set, and replaced the old, in source limit of 63, which was * * the CDC 6400 character limit (0-63). Updated the constant value for ASCII. * * * * 7. The original Wirth convention of having the first character of each * * output line be a print control character (' ', '0', '1', '+') is long gone. * * These were removed, and replaced by their equivalent in modern Pascal. * * * * 8. "The instruction 36 mystery" in simpleexpression, a single negate * * instruction is emitted for both integer and real, and indeed, the 36 * * instruction in interpret performs an integer negate, regardless of the real * * or integer status of the stack operand. It SEEMS like a bug, but its not. * * To understand why not, you have to do some serious dumpster diving into the * * CDC 6000 machine documentation. Seymore Cray was a very clever fellow, and * * the CDC 6600 series floating point notation is "compatible" with its * * integer notation, that is, has its sign in the same place, and essentially * * appears as an integer with an embedded exponent. Among other interesting * * effects, it means that a negate operation works on both integer and real, * * regardless of which type is being done. Try to find THAT in the Pascal-s * * documentation ! The fix for this is to stick a real/integer indicator in * * the "y" field of an "order" record, this tells a non-CDC 6000 computer to * * treat the negate differently for real and integer. * * * * 9. I added a sign-on for the program. * * * * I have marked all my changes to the original source with [sam] in a comment * * (my initals). * * * * Notes on compiling and running: * * * * 1. Pascal-s does not tolerate upper case input. On most systems, this will * * result in a "case select" error in the procedure "insymbol". * * * * 2. The file program header file "srcfil" is going to need to be connected * * to an external file. If your Pascal does not have the ability to connect * * header files to external files, then you need to do this manually. See the * * comment shortly after the main program "begin". * * * * 3. You may need to change the emin, emax, and kmax parameters to match your * * particular floating point implementation. * * * * 4. You may want to increase alng, the number of significant characters in * * identifiers, to match your needs. This will allow programs with long * * idenfitiers to run, but will increase the space requirements to run * * Pascal-s, perhaps dramatically. * * * * 5. Pascal-s can, by option, dump all of its tables after program * * compilation, including identifers, blocks, arrays, and internal execution * * code. This option is invoked by naming the program "test0" (the name in the * * "program" statement). * * * ******************************************************************************} program Pascals(input { + [sam] } , output, srcfil { [sam] } ); (* 1.6.75 *) (* N. Wirth, E.T.H CH-8092 Zurich *) {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; const nkw = 27; (* no. of key words *) alng = 10; (* no. of significant chars in identifiers *) llng = 250 {120 [sam]}; (* input line length *) emax = 308 {322 [sam]}; (* max exponent of real numbers *) emin = -308 {-292 [sam]}; (* min exponent *) kmax = 15; (* max no. of significant digits *) tmax = 10000 {100 [sam]}; (* size of table *) bmax = 1000 {20 [sam]}; (* size of block-table *) amax = 1000 {30 [sam]}; (* size of array-table *) c2max = 1000 {20 [sam]}; (* size of real constant table *) csmax = 1000 {30 [sam]}; (* max no. of cases *) cmax = 100000 {850 [sam]}; (* size of code *) lmax = 100 {7 [sam]}; (* maximum level *) smax = 100000 {600 [sam]}; (* size of string table *) ermax = 58; (* max error no. *) omax = 63; (* highest order code *) xmax = 131071; (* 2**17 - 1 *) nmax = maxint {281474976710655 [sam]}; (* 2**48 - 1 *) lineleng = 250 {136 [sam] }; (* output line length *) linelimit = 100000 {200 [sam]}; stacksize = 100000 {1500 [sam]}; inxmax = 127; { maximum index for character (ASCII) [sam] } type symbol = (intcon, realcon, charcon, stringt, notsy, plus, minus, times, idiv, rdiv, imod, andsy, orsy, egl, neg, gtr, geg, lss, leg, lparent, rparent, lbrack, rbrack, comma, semicolon, period, colon, becomes, constsy, typesy, varsy, functionsy, proceduresy, arraysy, recordsy, programsy, ident, beginsy, ifsy, casesy, repeatsy, whilesy, forsy, endsy, elsesy, untilsy, ofsy, dosy, tosy, downtosy, thensy); index = -xmax..+xmax; alfa = packed array [1..alng] of char; objekt = (konstant, variable, typel, prozedure, funktion); types = (notyp, ints, reals, bools, chars, arrays, records); symset = set of symbol; typset = set of types; item = record typ: types; ref: index; end; order = packed record f: - omax..+omax; x: - lmax..+lmax; y: - nmax..+nmax; end; var sy: symbol; (* last symbol read by insymbol *) id: alfa; (* identifier from insymbol *) inum: Int64; (* integer from insymbol *) rnum: real; (* real number from insymbol *) sleng: integer; (* string length *) ch: char; (* last character read from source program *) line: array [1..llng] of char; cc: integer; (* character counter *) lc: integer; (* program location counter *) ll: integer; (* length of current line *) errs: set of 0..ermax; errpos: integer; progname: alfa; iflag, oflag: boolean; constbegsys, typebegsys, blockbegsys, facbegsys, statbegsys: symset; key: array [1..nkw] of alfa; ksy: array [1..nkw] of symbol; sps: array [char] of symbol; (* special symbols *) t, a, b, sx, c1, c2: integer; (* indicies to tables *) stantyps: typset; display: array [0..lmax] of integer; tab: array [0..tmax] of (* identifier table *) packed record name: alfa; link: index; obj: objekt; typ: types; ref: index; normal: boolean; lev: 0..lmax; adr: integer; end; atab: array [1..amax] of (* array-tabvle *) packed record inxtyp, eltyp: types; elref, low, high, elsize, size: index; end; btab: array [1..bmax] of (* block table *) packed record last, lastpar, psize, vsize: index end; stab: packed array [0..smax] of char; (* string table *) rconst: array [1..c2max] of real; code: array [0..cmax] of order; srcfil: TextFile; { source input file [sam] } filename: string; procedure errormsg; var k: integer; msg: array [0..ermax] of alfa; begin msg[ 0] := 'undef id '; msg[ 1] := 'multi def '; msg[ 2] := 'identifier'; msg[ 3] := 'program '; msg[ 4] := ') '; msg[ 5] := ': '; msg[ 6] := 'syntax '; msg[ 7] := 'ident, var'; msg[ 8] := 'of '; msg[ 9] := '( '; msg[10] := 'id, array '; msg[11] := '[ '; msg[12] := '] '; msg[13] := '.. '; msg[14] := '; '; msg[15] := 'func. type'; msg[16] := '= '; msg[17] := 'boolean '; msg[18] := 'convar typ'; msg[19] := 'type '; msg[20] := 'prog.param'; msg[21] := 'too big '; msg[22] := '. '; msg[23] := 'typ (case)'; msg[24] := 'character '; msg[25] := 'const id '; msg[26] := 'index type'; msg[27] := 'indexbound'; msg[28] := 'no array '; msg[29] := 'type id '; msg[30] := 'undef type'; msg[31] := 'no record '; msg[32] := 'boole type'; msg[33] := 'arith type'; msg[34] := 'integer '; msg[35] := 'types '; msg[36] := 'param type'; msg[37] := 'variab id '; msg[38] := 'string '; msg[39] := 'no.of pars'; msg[40] := 'type '; msg[41] := 'type '; msg[42] := 'real type '; msg[43] := 'integer '; msg[44] := 'var, const'; msg[45] := 'var, proc '; msg[46] := 'types (:=)'; msg[47] := 'typ (case)'; msg[48] := 'type '; msg[49] := 'store ovfl'; msg[50] := 'constant '; msg[51] := ':= '; msg[52] := 'then '; msg[53] := 'until '; msg[54] := 'do '; msg[55] := 'to downto '; msg[56] := 'begin '; msg[57] := 'end '; msg[58] := 'factor '; k := 0; writeln; writeln(' key words'); while errs <> [] do begin while not(k in errs) do k := k + 1; writeln(k, ' ', msg[k]); errs := errs - [k] end end (* errormsg *); procedure nextch; (* read next character; process line end *) begin if cc = ll then begin if eof(srcfil) { [sam] } then begin writeln; writeln(' program incomplete'); errormsg; Halt; end; if errpos <> 0 then begin writeln; errpos := 0 end; write(lc:5, ' '); ll := 0; cc := 0; while not Eoln(srcfil) { [sam] } do begin ll := ll + 1; read(srcfil { [sam] } , ch); if (ch in [#$0A, #$0D]) then ch := #$00 else write(ch); line[ll] := ch end; writeln; ll := ll + 1; read(srcfil { [sam] } , line[ll]); end; cc := cc + 1; ch := line[cc]; end (* nextch *); procedure error(n: integer); begin if errpos = 0 then write(' ****'); if cc > errpos then begin write(' ':cc - errpos, '^', n:2); errpos := cc + 3; errs := errs + [n] end; end (* error *); procedure fatal(n: integer); var msg: array [1..7] of alfa; begin writeln; errormsg; msg[1] := 'identifier'; msg[2] := 'procedures'; msg[3] := 'reals '; msg[4] := 'arrays '; msg[5] := 'levels '; msg[6] := 'code '; msg[7] := 'strings '; writeln(' compiler table for ', msg[n], ' is too small'); Halt; (* terminate compilation *) end (* fatal *); procedure insymbol; (* reads next symbol *) label 1, 2, 3; var i, j, k, e: integer; procedure readscale; var s, sign: integer; begin nextch; sign := 1; s := 0; if ch = '+' then nextch else if ch = '-' then begin nextch; sign := -1 end; while (ch in ['0'..'9']) do begin s := 10 * s + ord(ch) - ord('0'); nextch end; e := s * sign + e end (* readscale *); procedure adjustscale; var s: integer; d, t: real; begin if k + e > emax then error(21) else if k + e < emin then rnum := 0 else begin s := abs(e); t := 1.0; d := 10.0; repeat while not odd(s) do begin s := s div 2; d := sqr(d) end; s := s - 1; t := d * t until s = 0; if e >= 0 then rnum := rnum * t else rnum := rnum / t end end (* adjustscale *); begin (* insymbol *) 1: // label 1 while (ch in [#$00..#$20, #$7F]) do nextch; if (ch in ['_', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z']) then begin (* word *) k := 0; id := ' '; repeat if k < alng then begin k := k + 1; id[k] := ch end; nextch until not (ch in ['_', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9']); i := 1; j := nkw; (* binary search *) repeat k := (i + j) div 2; if id <= key[k] then j := k - 1; if id >= key[k] then i := k + 1 until i > j; if i - 1 > j then sy := ksy[k] else sy := ident end else if (ch in ['0'..'9']) then begin (* number *) k := 0; inum := 0; sy := intcon; repeat inum := inum * 10 + ord(ch) - ord('0'); k := k + 1; nextch until not (ch in ['0'..'9']); if (k > kmax) or (inum > nmax) then begin error(21); inum := 0; k := 0 end; if ch = '.' then begin nextch; if ch = '.' then ch := ':' else begin sy := realcon; rnum := inum; e := 0; while (ch in ['0'..'9']) do begin e := e - 1; rnum := 10.0 * rnum + (ord(ch) - ord('0')); nextch end; if ch = 'e' then readscale; if e <> 0 then adjustscale end end else if ch = 'e' then begin sy := realcon; rnum := inum; e := 0; readscale; if e <> 0 then adjustscale end; end else case ch of ':': begin nextch; if ch = '=' then begin sy := becomes; nextch end else sy := colon end; '<': begin nextch; if ch = '=' then begin sy := leg; nextch end else if ch = '>' then begin sy := neg; nextch end else sy := lss end; '>': begin nextch; if ch = '=' then begin sy := geg; nextch end else sy := gtr end; '.': begin nextch; if ch = '.' then begin sy := colon; nextch end else sy := period end; '''': begin k := 0; 2: // label 2 nextch; if ch = '''' then begin nextch; if ch <> '''' then goto 3 end; if sx + k = smax then fatal(7); stab[sx + k] := ch; k := k + 1; if cc = 1 then begin (* end of line *) k := 0; end else goto 2; 3: // label 3 if k = 1 then begin sy := charcon; inum := ord(stab[sx]) end else if k = 0 then begin error(38); sy := charcon; inum := 0 end else begin sy := stringt; inum := sx; sleng := k; sx := sx + k end end; '(': begin nextch; if ch <> '*' then sy := lparent else begin (* comment *) nextch; repeat while ch <> '*' do nextch; nextch until ch = ')'; nextch; goto 1 end end; '+', '-', '*', '/', ')', '=', ',', '[', ']', '#', '&', ';': begin sy := sps[ch]; nextch end; else error(24); nextch; goto 1 end end (* insymbol *); procedure enter(x0: alfa; x1: objekt; x2: types; x3: integer); begin t := t + 1; (* enter standard identifier *) with tab[t] do begin name := x0; link := t - 1; obj := x1; typ := x2; ref := 0; normal := true; lev := 0; adr := x3 end end (* enter *); procedure enterarray(tp: types; l, h: integer); begin if l > h then error(27); if (abs(l) > xmax) or (abs(h) > xmax) then begin error(27); l := 0; h := 0; end; if a = amax then fatal(4) else begin a := a + 1; with atab[a] do begin inxtyp := tp; low := l; high := h end end end (* enterarray *); procedure enterblock; begin if b = bmax then fatal(2) else begin b := b + 1; btab[b].last := 0; btab[b].lastpar := 0 end end (* enterblock *); procedure enterreal(x: real); begin if c2 = c2max - 1 then fatal(3) else begin rconst[c2 + 1] := x; c1 := 1; while rconst[c1] <> x do c1 := c1 + 1; if c1 > c2 then c2 := c1 end end (* enterreal *); procedure emit(fct: integer); begin if lc = cmax then fatal(6); code[lc].f := fct; lc := lc + 1 end (* emit *); procedure emit1(fct, b: integer); begin if lc = cmax then fatal(6); with code[lc] do begin f := fct; y := b end; lc := lc + 1 end (* emit1 *); procedure emit2(fct, a, b: integer); begin if lc = cmax then fatal(6); with code[lc] do begin f := fct; x := a; y := b end; lc := lc + 1 end (* emit2 *); procedure printtables; var i: integer; o: order; begin { Changed to double spacing [sam] } writeln('identifiers link obj typ ref nrm lev adr'); writeln; for i := btab[1].last + 1 to t do with tab[i] do writeln(i, ' ', name, link:5, ord(obj):5, ord(typ):5, ref:5, ord(normal):5, lev:5, adr:5); { Changed to double spacing [sam] } writeln('blocks last lpar psze vsze'); writeln; for i := 1 to b do with btab[i] do writeln(i, last:5, lastpar:5, psize:5, vsize:5); { Changed to double spacing [sam] } writeln('arrays xtyp etyp eref low high elsz size'); writeln; for i := 1 to a do with atab[i] do writeln(i, ord(inxtyp):5, ord(eltyp):5, elref:5, low:5, high:5, elsize:5, size:5); { Changed to double spacing [sam] } writeln('code:'); writeln; for i := 0 to lc - 1 do begin if i mod 5 = 0 then begin writeln; write(i:5) end; o := code[i]; write(o.f:5); { Changed 36 to have a parameter, see notes in header [sam] } if (o.f < 31) or (o.f = 36) then if o.f < 4 then write(o.x:2, o.y:5) else write(o.y:7) else write(' '); write(',') end; writeln end (* printtables *); procedure block(fsys: symset; isfun: boolean; level: integer); type conrec = record case tp: types of ints, chars, bools: (i: integer); reals: (r: real); notyp, arrays, records: (); end; var dx: integer; (* data allocation index *) prt: integer; (* t-index of this procedure *) prb: integer; (* b-index of this procedure *) x: integer; procedure skip(fsys: symset; n: integer); begin error(n); while not(sy in fsys) do insymbol end (* skip *); procedure test(s1, s2: symset; n: integer); begin if not(sy in s1) then skip(s1 + s2, n) end (* test *); procedure testsemicolon; begin if sy = semicolon then insymbol else begin error(14); if sy in [comma, colon] then insymbol end; test([ident] + blockbegsys, fsys, 6) end (* testsemicolon *); procedure enter(id: alfa; k: objekt); var j, l: integer; begin if t = tmax then fatal(1) else begin tab[0].name := id; j := btab[display[level]].last; l := j; while tab[j].name <> id do j := tab[j].link; if j <> 0 then error(1) else begin t := t + 1; with tab[t] do begin name := id; link := l; obj := k; typ := notyp; ref := 0; lev := level; adr := 0 end; btab[display[level]].last := t end end end (* enter *); function loc(id: alfa): integer; var i, j: integer; (* locate id in table *) begin i := level; tab[0].name := id; (* sentinel *) repeat j := btab[display[i]].last; while tab[j].name <> id do j := tab[j].link; i := i - 1; until (i < 0) or (j <> 0); if j = 0 then error(0); loc := j end (* loc *); procedure entervariable; begin if sy = ident then begin enter(id, variable); insymbol end else error(2) end (* entervariable *); procedure constant(fsys: symset; var c: conrec); var x, sign: integer; begin c.tp := notyp; c.i := 0; test(constbegsys, fsys, 50); if sy in constbegsys then begin if sy = charcon then begin c.tp := chars; c.i := inum; insymbol end else begin sign := 1; if sy in [plus, minus] then begin if sy = minus then sign := -1; insymbol end; if sy = ident then begin x := loc(id); if x <> 0 then if tab[x].obj <> konstant then error(25) else begin c.tp := tab[x].typ; if c.tp = reals then c.r := sign * rconst[tab[x].adr] else c.i := sign * tab[x].adr end; insymbol end else if sy = intcon then begin c.tp := ints; c.i := sign * inum; insymbol end else if sy = realcon then begin c.tp := reals; c.r := sign * rnum; insymbol end else skip(fsys, 50) end; test(fsys, [], 6) end end (* constant *); procedure typ(fsys: symset; var tp: types; var rf, sz: integer); var x: integer; eltp: types; elrf: integer; elsz, offset, t0, t1: integer; procedure arraytyp(var aref, arsz: integer); var eltp: types; low, high: conrec; elrf, elsz: integer; begin constant([colon, rbrack, rparent, ofsy] + fsys, low); if low.tp = reals then begin error(27); low.tp := ints; low.i := 0 end; if sy = colon then insymbol else error(13); constant([rbrack, comma, rparent, ofsy] + fsys, high); if high.tp <> low.tp then begin error(27); high.i := low.i end; enterarray(low.tp, low.i, high.i); aref := a; if sy = comma then begin insymbol; eltp := arrays; arraytyp(elrf, elsz) end else begin if sy = rbrack then insymbol else begin error(12); if sy = rparent then insymbol end; if sy = ofsy then insymbol else error(8); typ(fsys, eltp, elrf, elsz) end; with atab[aref] do begin arsz := (high - low + 1) * elsz; size := arsz; eltyp := eltp; elref := elrf; elsize := elsz end; end (* arraytyp *); begin (* typ *) tp := notyp; rf := 0; sz := 0; test(typebegsys, fsys, 10); if sy in typebegsys then begin if sy = ident then begin x := loc(id); if x <> 0 then with tab[x] do if obj <> typel then error(29) else begin tp := typ; rf := ref; sz := adr; if tp = notyp then error(30) end; insymbol end else if sy = arraysy then begin insymbol; if sy = lbrack then insymbol else begin error(11); if sy = lparent then insymbol end; tp := arrays; arraytyp(rf, sz) end else begin (* records *) insymbol; enterblock; tp := records; rf := b; if level = lmax then fatal(5); level := level + 1; display[level] := b; offset := 0; while sy <> endsy do begin (* field section *) if sy = ident then begin t0 := t; entervariable; while sy = comma do begin insymbol; entervariable end; if sy = colon then insymbol else error(5); t1 := t; typ(fsys + [semicolon, endsy, comma, ident], eltp, elrf, elsz); while t0 < t1 do begin t0 := t0 + 1; with tab[t0] do begin typ := eltp; ref := elrf; normal := true; adr := offset; offset := offset + elsz end end end; if sy <> endsy then begin if sy = semicolon then insymbol else begin error(14); if sy = comma then insymbol end; test([ident, endsy, semicolon], fsys, 6) end end; btab[rf].vsize := offset; sz := offset; btab[rf].psize := 0; insymbol; level := level - 1 end; test(fsys, [], 6) end end (* typ *); procedure parameterlist; (* formal parameter list *) var tp: types; rf, sz, x, t0: integer; valpar: boolean; begin insymbol; tp := notyp; rf := 0; sz := 0; test([ident, varsy], fsys + [rparent], 7); while sy in [ident, varsy] do begin if sy <> varsy then valpar := true else begin insymbol; valpar := false end; t0 := t; entervariable; while sy = comma do begin insymbol; entervariable; end; if sy = colon then begin insymbol; if sy <> ident then error(2) else begin x := loc(id); insymbol; if x <> 0 then with tab[x] do if obj <> typel then error(29) else begin tp := typ; rf := ref; if valpar then sz := adr else sz := 1 end; end; test([semicolon, rparent], [comma, ident] + fsys, 14) end else error(5); while t0 < t do begin t0 := t0 + 1; with tab[t0] do begin typ := tp; ref := rf; normal := valpar; adr := dx; lev := level; dx := dx + sz end end; if sy <> rparent then begin if sy = semicolon then insymbol else begin error(14); if sy = comma then insymbol end; test([ident, varsy], [rparent] + fsys, 6) end end (* while *); if sy = rparent then begin insymbol; test([semicolon, colon], fsys, 6) end else error(4) end (* parameter list *); procedure constantdeclaration; var c: conrec; begin insymbol; test([ident], blockbegsys, 2); while sy = ident do begin enter(id, konstant); insymbol; if sy = egl then insymbol else begin error(16); if sy = becomes then insymbol end; constant([semicolon, comma, ident] + fsys, c); tab[t].typ := c.tp; tab[t].ref := 0; if c.tp = reals then begin enterreal(c.r); tab[t].adr := c1 end else tab[t].adr := c.i; testsemicolon end end (* constantdeclaration *); procedure typedeclaration; var tp: types; rf, sz, t1: integer; begin insymbol; test([ident], blockbegsys, 2); while sy = ident do begin enter(id, typel); t1 := t; insymbol; if sy = egl then insymbol else begin error(16); if sy = becomes then insymbol end; typ([semicolon, comma, ident] + fsys, tp, rf, sz); with tab[t1] do begin typ := tp; ref := rf; adr := sz end; testsemicolon end end (* typedeclaration *); procedure variabledeclaration; var t0, t1, rf, sz: integer; tp: types; begin insymbol; while sy = ident do begin t0 := t; entervariable; while sy = comma do begin insymbol; entervariable; end; if sy = colon then insymbol else error(5); t1 := t; typ([semicolon, comma, ident] + fsys, tp, rf, sz); while t0 < t1 do begin t0 := t0 + 1; with tab[t0] do begin typ := tp; ref := rf; lev := level; adr := dx; normal := true; dx := dx + sz end end; testsemicolon end end (* variabledeclaration *); procedure procdeclaration; var isfun: boolean; begin isfun := sy = functionsy; insymbol; if sy <> ident then begin error(2); id := ' '; end; if isfun then enter(id, funktion) else enter(id, prozedure); tab[t].normal := true; insymbol; block([semicolon] + fsys, isfun, level + 1); if sy = semicolon then insymbol else error(14); emit(32 + ord(isfun)) (* exit *) end (* proceduredeclaration *); procedure statement(fsys: symset); var i: integer; procedure expression(fsys: symset; var x: item); forward; procedure selector(fsys: symset; var v: item); var x: item; a, j: integer; begin (* sy in [lparent, lbrack, period] *) repeat if sy = period then begin insymbol; (* field selector *) if sy <> ident then error(2) else begin if v.typ <> records then error(31) else begin (* search field identifier *) j := btab[v.ref].last; tab[0].name := id; while tab[j].name <> id do j := tab[j].link; if j = 0 then error(0); v.typ := tab[j].typ; v.ref := tab[j].ref; a := tab[j].adr; if a <> 0 then emit1(9, a) end; insymbol end end else begin (* array selector *) if sy <> lbrack then error(11); repeat insymbol; expression(fsys + [comma, rbrack], x); if v.typ <> arrays then error(28) else begin a := v.ref; if atab[a].inxtyp <> x.typ then error(26) else if atab[a].elsize = 1 then emit1(20, a) else emit1(21, a); v.typ := atab[a].eltyp; v.ref := atab[a].elref end until sy <> comma; if sy = rbrack then insymbol else begin error(12); if sy = rparent then insymbol end end until not(sy in [lbrack, lparent, period]); test(fsys, [], 6) end (* selector *); procedure call(fsys: symset; i: integer); var x: item; lastp, cp, k: integer; begin emit1(18, i); (* mark stack *) lastp := btab[tab[i].ref].lastpar; cp := i; if sy = lparent then begin (* actual parameter list *) repeat insymbol; if cp >= lastp then error(39) else begin cp := cp + 1; if tab[cp].normal then begin (* value parameter *) expression(fsys + [comma, colon, rparent], x); if x.typ = tab[cp].typ then begin if x.ref <> tab[cp].ref then error(36) else if x.typ = arrays then emit1(22, atab[x.ref].size) else if x.typ = records then emit1(22, btab[x.ref].vsize) end else if (x.typ = ints) and (tab[cp].typ = reals) then emit1(26, 0) else if x.typ <> notyp then error(36); end else begin (* variable parameter *) if sy <> ident then error(2) else begin k := loc(id); insymbol; if k <> 0 then begin if tab[k].obj <> variable then error(37); x.typ := tab[k].typ; x.ref := tab[k].ref; if tab[k].normal then emit2(0, tab[k].lev, tab[k].adr) else emit2(1, tab[k].lev, tab[k].adr); if sy in [lbrack, lparent, period] then selector(fsys + [comma, colon, rparent], x); if (x.typ <> tab[cp].typ) or (x.ref <> tab[cp].ref) then error(36) end end end end; test([comma, rparent], fsys, 6) until sy <> comma; if sy = rparent then insymbol else error(4) end; if cp < lastp then error(39); (* too few actual parameters *) emit1(19, btab[tab[i].ref].psize - 1); if tab[i].lev < level then emit2(3, tab[i].lev, level) end (* call *); function resulttype(a, b: types): types; begin if (a > reals) or (b > reals) then begin error(33); resulttype := notyp end else if (a = notyp) or (b = notyp) then resulttype := notyp else if a = ints then if b = ints then resulttype := ints else begin resulttype := reals; emit1(26, 1) end else begin resulttype := reals; if b = ints then emit1(26, 0) end end (* resulttype *); procedure expression; var y: item; op: symbol; procedure simpleexpression(fsys: symset; var x: item); var y: item; op: symbol; procedure term(fsys: symset; var x: item); var y: item; op: symbol; procedure factor(fsys: symset; var x: item); var i, f: integer; procedure standfct(n: integer); var ts: typset; begin (* standard function no. n *) if sy = lparent then insymbol else error(9); if n < 17 then begin expression(fsys + [rparent], x); case n of (* abs, sqr *) 0, 2: begin ts := [ints, reals]; tab[i].typ := x.typ; if x.typ = reals then n := n + 1 end; (* odd, chr *) 4, 5: ts := [ints]; (* ord *) 6: ts := [ints, bools, chars]; (* succ, pred *) 7, 8: ts := [chars]; (* round, trunc sin, cos... *) 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16: begin ts := [ints, reals]; if x.typ = ints then emit1(26, 0) end; end; if x.typ in ts then emit1(8, n) else if x.typ <> notyp then error(48) end else (* eof, eoln *) begin (* n in [17, 18] *) if sy <> ident then error(2) else if id <> 'input ' then error(0) else insymbol; emit1(8, n); end; x.typ := tab[i].typ; if sy = rparent then insymbol else error(4) end (* standfct *); begin (* factor *) x.typ := notyp; x.ref := 0; test(facbegsys, fsys, 58); while sy in facbegsys do begin if sy = ident then begin i := loc(id); insymbol; with tab[i] do case obj of konstant: begin x.typ := typ; x.ref := 0; if x.typ = reals then emit1(25, adr) else emit1(24, adr) end; variable: begin x.typ := typ; x.ref := ref; if sy in [lbrack, lparent, period] then begin if normal then f := 0 else f := 1; emit2(f, lev, adr); selector(fsys, x); if x.typ in stantyps then emit(34) end else begin if x.typ in stantyps then if normal then f := 1 else f := 2 else if normal then f := 0 else f := 1; emit2(f, lev, adr) end end; typel, prozedure: error(44); funktion: begin x.typ := typ; if lev <> 0 then call(fsys, i) else standfct(adr) end end (* case, with *) end else if sy in [charcon, intcon, realcon] then begin if sy = realcon then begin x.typ := reals; enterreal(rnum); emit1(25, c1) end else begin if sy = charcon then x.typ := chars else x.typ := ints; emit1(24, inum) end; x.ref := 0; insymbol end else if sy = lparent then begin insymbol; expression(fsys + [rparent], x); if sy = rparent then insymbol else error(4) end else if sy = notsy then begin insymbol; factor(fsys, x); if x.typ = bools then emit(35) else if x.typ <> notyp then error(32) end; test(fsys, facbegsys, 6) end (* while *) end (* factor *); begin (* term *) factor(fsys + [times, rdiv, idiv, imod, andsy], x); while sy in [times, rdiv, idiv, imod, andsy] do begin op := sy; insymbol; factor(fsys + [times, rdiv, idiv, imod, andsy], y); if op = times then begin x.typ := resulttype(x.typ, y.typ); case x.typ of notyp: ; ints: emit(57); reals: emit(60); end end else if op = rdiv then begin if x.typ = ints then begin emit1(26, 1); x.typ := reals end; if y.typ = ints then begin emit1(26, 0); y.typ := reals end; if (x.typ = reals) and (y.typ = reals) then emit(61) else begin if (x.typ <> notyp) and (y.typ <> notyp) then error(32); x.typ := notyp end end else if op = andsy then begin if (x.typ = bools) and (y.typ = bools) then emit(56) else begin if (x.typ <> notyp) and (y.typ <> notyp) then error(32); x.typ := notyp end end else begin (* op in [idiv, imod] *) if (x.typ = ints) and (y.typ = ints) then if op = idiv then emit(58) else emit(59) else begin if (x.typ <> notyp) and (y.typ <> notyp) then error(34); x.typ := notyp end end end end (* term *); begin (* simpleexpression *) if sy in [plus, minus] then begin op := sy; insymbol; term(fsys + [plus, minus], x); if x.typ > reals then error(33) else { Changed the negate instruction 36 to also emit a parameter that says if the operand is real or integer. See comments at top. [sam] } if op = minus then emit1(36, ord(x.typ = reals)) end else term(fsys + [plus, minus, orsy], x); while sy in [plus, minus, orsy] do begin op := sy; insymbol; term(fsys + [plus, minus, orsy], y); if op = orsy then begin if (x.typ = bools) and (y.typ = bools) then emit(51) else begin if (x.typ <> notyp) and (y.typ <> notyp) then error(32); x.typ := notyp end end else begin x.typ := resulttype(x.typ, y.typ); case x.typ of notyp: ; ints: if op = plus then emit(52) else emit(53); reals: if op = plus then emit(54) else emit(55) end end end end (* simpleexpression *); begin (* expression *) simpleexpression(fsys + [egl, neg, lss, leg, gtr, geg], x); if sy in [egl, neg, lss, leg, gtr, geg] then begin op := sy; insymbol; simpleexpression(fsys, y); if (x.typ in [notyp, ints, bools, chars]) and (x.typ = y.typ) then case op of egl: emit(45); neg: emit(46); lss: emit(47); leg: emit(48); gtr: emit(49); geg: emit(50); end else begin if x.typ = ints then begin x.typ := reals; emit1(26, 1) end else if y.typ = ints then begin y.typ := reals; emit1(26, 0) end; if (x.typ = reals) and (y.typ = reals) then case op of egl: emit(39); neg: emit(40); lss: emit(41); leg: emit(42); gtr: emit(43); geg: emit(44); end else error(35) end; x.typ := bools end end (* expression *); procedure assignment(lv, ad: integer); var x, y: item; f: integer; (* tab[i].obj in [variable, prozedure] *) begin x.typ := tab[i].typ; x.ref := tab[i].ref; if tab[i].normal then f := 0 else f := 1; emit2(f, lv, ad); if sy in [lbrack, lparent, period] then selector([becomes, egl] + fsys, x); if sy = becomes then insymbol else begin error(51); if sy = egl then insymbol end; expression(fsys, y); if x.typ = y.typ then if x.typ in stantyps then emit(38) else if x.ref <> y.ref then error(46) else if x.typ = arrays then emit1(23, atab[x.ref].size) else emit1(23, btab[x.ref].vsize) else if (x.typ = reals) and (y.typ = ints) then begin emit1(26, 0); emit(38) end else if (x.typ <> notyp) and (y.typ <> notyp) then error(46) end (* assignment *); procedure compoundstatement; begin insymbol; statement([semicolon, endsy] + fsys); while sy in [semicolon] + statbegsys do begin if sy = semicolon then insymbol else error(14); statement([semicolon, endsy] + fsys) end; if sy = endsy then insymbol else error(57) end (* compoundstatement *); procedure ifstatement; var x: item; lc1, lc2: integer; begin insymbol; expression(fsys + [thensy, dosy], x); if not(x.typ in [bools, notyp]) then error(17); lc1 := lc; emit(11); (* jmpc *) if sy = thensy then insymbol else begin error(52); if sy = dosy then insymbol end; statement(fsys + [elsesy]); if sy = elsesy then begin insymbol; lc2 := lc; emit(10); code[lc1].y := lc; statement(fsys); code[lc2].y := lc end else code[lc1].y := lc end (* if statment *); procedure casestatement; var x: item; i, j, k, lc1: integer; casetab: array [1..csmax] of packed record val, lc: index end; exittab: array [1..csmax] of integer; procedure caselabel; var lab: conrec; k: integer; begin constant(fsys + [comma, colon], lab); if lab.tp <> x.typ then error(47) else if i = csmax then fatal(6) else begin i := i + 1; k := 0; casetab[i].val := lab.i; casetab[i].lc := lc; repeat k := k + 1 until casetab[k].val = lab.i; if k < i then error(1); (* multiple definition *) end end (* caselabel *); procedure onecase; begin if sy in constbegsys then begin caselabel; while sy = comma do begin insymbol; caselabel end; if sy = colon then insymbol else error(5); statement([semicolon, endsy] + fsys); j := j + 1; exittab[j] := lc; emit(10) end end (* onecase *); begin insymbol; i := 0; j := 0; expression(fsys + [ofsy, comma, colon], x); if not(x.typ in [ints, bools, chars, notyp]) then error(23); lc1 := lc; emit(12); (* jmpx *) if sy = ofsy then insymbol else error(8); onecase; while sy = semicolon do begin insymbol; onecase end; code[lc1].y := lc; for k := 1 to i do begin emit1(13, casetab[k].val); emit1(13, casetab[k].lc) end; emit1(10, 0); for k := 1 to j do code[exittab[k]].y := lc; if sy = endsy then insymbol else error(57) end (* casestement *); procedure repeatstatement; var x: item; lc1: integer; begin lc1 := lc; insymbol; statement([semicolon, untilsy] + fsys); while sy in [semicolon] + statbegsys do begin if sy = semicolon then insymbol else error(14); statement([semicolon, untilsy] + fsys) end; if sy = untilsy then begin insymbol; expression(fsys, x); if not(x.typ in [bools, notyp]) then error(17); emit1(11, lc1) end else error(53) end (* repeatstement *); procedure whilestatement; var x: item; lc1, lc2: integer; begin insymbol; lc1 := lc; expression(fsys + [dosy], x); if not(x.typ in [bools, notyp]) then error(17); lc2 := lc; emit(11); if sy = dosy then insymbol else error(54); statement(fsys); emit1(10, lc1); code[lc2].y := lc end (* whilestatement *); procedure forstatement; var cvt: types; x: item; i, f, lc1, lc2: integer; begin insymbol; cvt := notyp; if sy = ident then begin i := loc(id); insymbol; if i = 0 then cvt := ints else if tab[i].obj = variable then begin cvt := tab[i].typ; emit2(0, tab[i].lev, tab[i].adr); if not(cvt in [notyp, ints, bools, chars]) then error(18) end else begin error(37); cvt := ints end end else skip([becomes, tosy, downtosy, dosy] + fsys, 2); if sy = becomes then begin insymbol; expression([tosy, downtosy, dosy] + fsys, x); if x.typ <> cvt then error(19); end else skip([tosy, downtosy, dosy] + fsys, 51); f := 14; if sy in [tosy, downtosy] then begin if sy = downtosy then f := 16; insymbol; expression([dosy] + fsys, x); if x.typ <> cvt then error(19) end else skip([dosy] + fsys, 55); lc1 := lc; emit(f); if sy = dosy then insymbol else error(54); lc2 := lc; statement(fsys); emit1(f + 1, lc2); code[lc1].y := lc end (* forstatement *); procedure standproc(n: integer); var i, f: integer; x, y: item; begin case n of 1, 2: begin (* read *) if not iflag then begin error(20); iflag := true end; if sy = lparent then begin repeat insymbol; if sy <> ident then error(2) else begin i := loc(id); insymbol; if i <> 0 then if tab[i].obj <> variable then error(37) else begin x.typ := tab[i].typ; x.ref := tab[i].ref; if tab[i].normal then f := 0 else f := 1; emit2(f, tab[i].lev, tab[i].adr); if sy in [lbrack, lparent, period] then selector(fsys + [comma, rparent], x); if x.typ in [ints, reals, chars, notyp] then emit1(27, ord(x.typ)) else error(40) end end; test([comma, rparent], fsys, 6); until sy <> comma; if sy = rparent then insymbol else error(4) end; if n = 2 then emit(62) end; 3, 4: begin (* write *) if sy = lparent then begin repeat insymbol; if sy = stringt then begin emit1(24, sleng); emit1(28, inum); insymbol end else begin expression(fsys + [comma, colon, rparent], x); if not(x.typ in stantyps) then error(41); if sy = colon then begin insymbol; expression(fsys + [comma, colon, rparent], y); if y.typ <> ints then error(43); if sy = colon then begin if x.typ <> reals then error(42); insymbol; expression(fsys + [comma, rparent], y); if y.typ <> ints then error(43); emit(37) end else emit1(30, ord(x.typ)) end else emit1(29, ord(x.typ)) end until sy <> comma; if sy = rparent then insymbol else error(4) end; if n = 4 then emit(63) end; end (* case *) end (* standproc *); begin (* statement *) if sy in statbegsys + [ident] then case sy of ident: begin i := loc(id); insymbol; if i <> 0 then case tab[i].obj of konstant, typel: error(45); variable: assignment(tab[i].lev, tab[i].adr); prozedure: if tab[i].lev <> 0 then call(fsys, i) else standproc(tab[i].adr); funktion: if tab[i].ref = display[level] then assignment(tab[i].lev + 1, 0) else error(45) end end; beginsy: compoundstatement; ifsy: ifstatement; casesy: casestatement; whilesy: whilestatement; repeatsy: repeatstatement; forsy: forstatement; end; test(fsys, [], 14) end (* statement *); begin (* block *) dx := 5; prt := t; if level > lmax then fatal(5); test([lparent, colon, semicolon], fsys, 7); enterblock; display[level] := b; prb := b; tab[prt].typ := notyp; tab[prt].ref := prb; if sy = lparent then parameterlist; btab[prb].lastpar := t; btab[prb].psize := dx; if isfun then if sy = colon then begin insymbol; (* function type *) if sy = ident then begin x := loc(id); insymbol; if x <> 0 then if tab[x].obj <> typel then error(29) else if tab[x].typ in stantyps then tab[prt].typ := tab[x].typ else error(15) end else skip([semicolon] + fsys, 2) end else error(5); if sy = semicolon then insymbol else error(14); repeat if sy = constsy then constantdeclaration; if sy = typesy then typedeclaration; if sy = varsy then variabledeclaration; btab[prb].vsize := dx; while sy in [proceduresy, functionsy] do procdeclaration; test([beginsy], blockbegsys + statbegsys, 56) until sy in statbegsys; tab[prt].adr := lc; insymbol; statement([semicolon, endsy] + fsys); while sy in [semicolon] + statbegsys do begin if sy = semicolon then insymbol else error(14); statement([semicolon, endsy] + fsys) end; if sy = endsy then insymbol else error(57); test(fsys + [period], [], 6) end (* block *); procedure interpret; (* global code, tab, btab *) var ir: order; (* instruction buffer *) pc: integer; (* program counter *) ps: (run, fin, caschk, divchk, inxchk, stkchk, linchk, lngchk, redchk); t: integer; (* top stack index *) b: integer; (* base index *) lncnt, ocnt, blkcnt, chrcnt: integer; (* counters *) h1, h2, h3, h4: integer; fld: array [1..4] of integer; (* default field widths *) display: array [1..lmax] of integer; s: array [1..stacksize] of (* blockmark: *) record (* *) case types of (* s[b+0] = fct result *) ints: (i: integer); (* s[b+1] = return adr *) reals: (r: real); (* s[b+2] = static link *) bools: (b: boolean); (* s[b+3] = dynamic link *) chars: (c: char); (* s[b+4] = table index *) notyp, arrays, records: () end; begin (* interpret *) s[1].i := 0; s[2].i := 0; s[3].i := -1; s[4].i := btab[1].last; b := 0; display[1] := 0; t := btab[2].vsize - 1; pc := tab[s[4].i].adr; ps := run; lncnt := 0; ocnt := 0; chrcnt := 0; fld[1] := 10; fld[2] := 22; fld[3] := 10; fld[4] := 1; repeat ir := code[pc]; pc := pc + 1; ocnt := ocnt + 1; case ir.f of 0: begin (* load address *) t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t].i := display[ir.x] + ir.y end; 1: begin (* load value *) t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t] := s[display[ir.x] + ir.y] end; 2: begin (* load indirect *) t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t] := s[s[display[ir.x] + ir.y].i] end; 3: begin (* update display *) h1 := ir.y; h2 := ir.x; h3 := b; repeat display[h1] := h3; h1 := h1 - 1; h3 := s[h3 + 2].i until h1 = h2 end; 8: case ir.y of 0: s[t].i := abs(s[t].i); 1: s[t].r := abs(s[t].r); 2: s[t].i := sqr(s[t].i); 3: s[t].r := sqr(s[t].r); 4: s[t].b := odd(s[t].i); 5: begin (* s[t].c := chr(s[t].i); *) if (s[t].i < 0) or (s[t].i > inxmax { [sam] } ) then ps := inxchk end; 6: (* s[t].i := ord(s[t].c) *); 7: s[t].c := succ(s[t].c); 8: s[t].c := pred(s[t].c); 9: s[t].i := round(s[t].r); 10: s[t].i := trunc(s[t].r); 11: s[t].r := sin(s[t].r); 12: s[t].r := cos(s[t].r); 13: s[t].r := exp(s[t].r); 14: s[t].r := ln(s[t].r); 15: s[t].r := sqrt(s[t].r); 16: s[t].r := arctan(s[t].r); 17: begin t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t].b := eof(input) end; 18: begin t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t].b := eoln(input) end; end; 9: s[t].i := s[t].i + ir.y; (* offset *) 10: pc := ir.y; (* jump *) 11: begin (* conditional jump *) if not s[t].b then pc := ir.y; t := t - 1 end; 12: begin (* switch *) h1 := s[t].i; t := t - 1; h2 := ir.y; h3 := 0; repeat if code[h2].f <> 13 then begin h3 := 1; ps := caschk end else if code[h2].y = h1 then begin h3 := 1; pc := code[h2 + 1].y end else h2 := h2 + 2 until h3 <> 0 end; 14: begin (* forlup *) h1 := s[t - 1].i; if h1 <= s[t].i then s[s[t - 2].i].i := h1 else begin t := t - 3; pc := ir.y end end; 15: begin (* for2up *) h2 := s[t - 2].i; h1 := s[h2].i + 1; if h1 <= s[t].i then begin s[h2].i := h1; pc := ir.y end else t := t - 3; end; 16: begin (* for1down *) h1 := s[t - 1].i; if h1 >= s[t].i then s[s[t - 2].i].i := h1 else begin pc := ir.y; t := t - 3 end end; 17: begin (* for2down *) h2 := s[t - 2].i; h1 := s[h2].i - 1; if h1 >= s[t].i then begin s[h2].i := h1; pc := ir.y end else t := t - 3; end; 18: begin (* mark stack *) h1 := btab[tab[ir.y].ref].vsize; if t + h1 > stacksize then ps := stkchk else begin t := t + 5; s[t - 1].i := h1 - 1; s[t].i := ir.y end end; 19: begin (* call *) h1 := t - ir.y; (* h1 points top base *) h2 := s[h1 + 4].i; h3 := tab[h2].lev; display[h3 + 1] := h1; h4 := s[h1 + 3].i + h1; s[h1 + 1].i := pc; s[h1 + 2].i := display[h3]; s[h1 + 3].i := b; for h3 := t + 1 to h4 do s[h3].i := 0; b := h1; t := h4; pc := tab[h2].adr end; 20: begin (* index *) h1 := ir.y; (* h1 points to atab *) h2 := atab[h1].low; h3 := s[t].i; if h3 < h2 then ps := inxchk else if h3 > atab[h1].high then ps := inxchk else begin t := t - 1; s[t].i := s[t].i + (h3 - h2) end end; 21: begin (* index *) h1 := ir.y; (* h1 points to atab *) h2 := atab[h1].low; h3 := s[t].i; if h3 < h2 then ps := inxchk else if h3 > atab[h1].high then ps := inxchk else begin t := t - 1; s[t].i := s[t].i + (h3 - h2) * atab[h1].elsize end end; 22: begin (* load block *) h1 := s[t].i; t := t - 1; h2 := ir.y + t; if h2 > stacksize then ps := stkchk else while t < h2 do begin t := t + 1; s[t] := s[h1]; h1 := h1 + 1 end end; 23: begin (* copy block *) h1 := s[t - 1].i; h2 := s[t].i; h3 := h1 + ir.y; while h1 < h3 do begin s[h1] := s[h2]; h1 := h1 + 1; h2 := h2 + 1 end; t := t - 2 end; 24: begin (* literal *) t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t].i := ir.y end; 25: begin (* load real *) t := t + 1; if t > stacksize then ps := stkchk else s[t].r := rconst[ir.y] end; 26: begin (* float *) h1 := t - ir.y; s[h1].r := s[h1].i end; 27: begin (* read *) if eof(input) then ps := redchk else case ir.y of 1: read(s[s[t].i].i); 2: read(s[s[t].i].r); 4: read(s[s[t].i].c) end; t := t - 1 end; 28: begin (* write string *) h1 := s[t].i; h2 := ir.y; t := t - 1; chrcnt := chrcnt + h1; if chrcnt > lineleng then ps := lngchk; repeat write(stab[h2]); h1 := h1 - 1; h2 := h2 + 1 until h1 = 0 end; 29: begin (* write1 *) chrcnt := chrcnt + fld[ir.y]; if chrcnt > lineleng then ps := lngchk else case ir.y of 1: write(s[t].i:fld[1]); 2: write(s[t].r:fld[2]); 3: write(s[t].b:fld[3]); 4: write(s[t].c); end; t := t - 1 end; 30: begin (* write2 *) chrcnt := chrcnt + s[t].i; if chrcnt > lineleng then ps := lngchk else case ir.y of 1: write(s[t - 1].i:s[t].i); 2: write(s[t - 1].r:s[t].i); 3: write(s[t - 1].b:s[t].i); 4: write(s[t - 1].c:s[t].i); end; t := t - 2 end; 31: ps := fin; 32: begin (* exit procedure *) t := b - 1; pc := s[b + 1].i; b := s[b + 3].i end; 33: begin (* exit function *) t := b; pc := s[b + 1].i; b := s[b + 3].i end; 34: s[t] := s[s[t].i]; 35: s[t].b := not s[t].b; { Changed the negate instruction to work according to the type of the operand. See the header comments. [sam] } 36: begin if ir.y = 0 then s[t].i := -s[t].i else s[t].r := -s[t].r end; 37: begin chrcnt := chrcnt + s[t - 1].i; if chrcnt > lineleng then ps := lngchk else write(s[t - 2].r:s[t - 1].i:s[t].i); t := t - 3 end; 38: begin (* store *) s[s[t - 1].i] := s[t]; t := t - 2; end; 39: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].r = s[t + 1].r end; 40: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].r <> s[t + 1].r end; 41: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].r < s[t + 1].r end; 42: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].r <= s[t + 1].r end; 43: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].r > s[t + 1].r end; 44: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].r >= s[t + 1].r end; 45: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].i = s[t + 1].i end; 46: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].i <> s[t + 1].i end; 47: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].i < s[t + 1].i end; 48: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].i <= s[t + 1].i end; 49: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].i > s[t + 1].i end; 50: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].i >= s[t + 1].i end; 51: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].b or s[t + 1].b end; 52: begin t := t - 1; s[t].i := s[t].i + s[t + 1].i end; 53: begin t := t - 1; s[t].i := s[t].i - s[t + 1].i end; 54: begin t := t - 1; s[t].r := s[t].r + s[t + 1].r; end; 55: begin t := t - 1; s[t].r := s[t].r - s[t + 1].r; end; 56: begin t := t - 1; s[t].b := s[t].b and s[t + 1].b; end; 57: begin t := t - 1; s[t].i := s[t].i * s[t + 1].i end; 58: begin t := t - 1; if s[t + 1].i = 0 then ps := divchk else s[t].i := s[t].i div s[t + 1].i end; 59: begin t := t - 1; if s[t + 1].i = 0 then ps := divchk else s[t].i := s[t].i mod s[t + 1].i end; 60: begin t := t - 1; s[t].r := s[t].r * s[t + 1].r; end; 61: begin t := t - 1; s[t].r := s[t].r / s[t + 1].r; end; 62: if eof(input) then ps := redchk else readln; 63: begin writeln; lncnt := lncnt + 1; chrcnt := 0; if lncnt > linelimit then ps := linchk end end (* case *); until ps <> run; if ps <> fin then begin writeln; { Changed to double spacing [sam] } write('halt at', pc:5, ' because of '); writeln; case ps of caschk: writeln('undefined case'); divchk: writeln('division by 0'); inxchk: writeln('invalid index'); stkchk: writeln('storage overflow'); linchk: writeln('too much output'); lngchk: writeln('line too long'); redchk: writeln('reading past end of file'); end; h1 := b; blkcnt := 10; (* post mortem dump *) repeat writeln; blkcnt := blkcnt - 1; if blkcnt = 0 then h1 := 0; h2 := s[h1 + 4].i; if h1 <> 0 then writeln(' ', tab[h2].name, ' called at', s[h1 + 1].i:5); h2 := btab[tab[h2].ref].last; while h2 <> 0 do with tab[h2] do begin if obj = variable then if typ in stantyps then begin write(' ', name, ' = '); if normal then h3 := h1 + adr else h3 := s[h1 + adr].i; case typ of ints: writeln(s[h3].i); reals: writeln(s[h3].r); bools: writeln(s[h3].b); chars: writeln(s[h3].c); end end; h2 := link end; h1 := s[h1 + 3].i until h1 < 0; end; writeln; writeln(ocnt, ' steps') end (* interpret *); begin { main program } { [sam] Added sign-on } writeln; writeln('Pascal-S compiler/interpreter'); { [sam] If you need to associate 'srcfil' with an external file in the source, do that here } filename := ParamStr(1); if (filename <> '') and (ExtractFileExt(filename) = '') then filename := ChangeFileExt(filename, '.pas'); if not FileExists(filename) then begin writeln('File not found.'); Halt; end; AssignFile(srcfil, filename); reset(srcfil); key[ 1] := 'and '; key[ 2] := 'array '; key[ 3] := 'begin '; key[ 4] := 'case '; key[ 5] := 'const '; key[ 6] := 'div '; key[ 7] := 'do '; key[ 8] := 'downto '; key[ 9] := 'else '; key[10] := 'end '; key[11] := 'for '; key[12] := 'function '; key[13] := 'if '; key[14] := 'mod '; key[15] := 'not '; key[16] := 'of '; key[17] := 'or '; key[18] := 'procedure '; key[19] := 'program '; key[20] := 'record '; key[21] := 'repeat '; key[22] := 'then '; key[23] := 'to '; key[24] := 'type '; key[25] := 'until '; key[26] := 'var '; key[27] := 'while '; ksy[ 1] := andsy; ksy[ 2] := arraysy; ksy[ 3] := beginsy; ksy[ 4] := casesy; ksy[ 5] := constsy; ksy[ 6] := idiv; ksy[ 7] := dosy; ksy[ 8] := downtosy; ksy[ 9] := elsesy; ksy[10] := endsy; ksy[11] := forsy; ksy[12] := functionsy; ksy[13] := ifsy; ksy[14] := imod; ksy[15] := notsy; ksy[16] := ofsy; ksy[17] := orsy; ksy[18] := proceduresy; ksy[19] := programsy; ksy[20] := recordsy; ksy[21] := repeatsy; ksy[22] := thensy; ksy[23] := tosy; ksy[24] := typesy; ksy[25] := untilsy; ksy[26] := varsy; ksy[27] := whilesy; sps['+'] := plus; sps['-'] := minus; sps['*'] := times; sps['/'] := rdiv; sps['('] := lparent; sps[')'] := rparent; sps['='] := egl; sps[','] := comma; sps['['] := lbrack; sps[']'] := rbrack; sps['#'] := neg; sps['&'] := andsy; sps[';'] := semicolon; constbegsys := [plus, minus, intcon, realcon, charcon, ident]; typebegsys := [ident, arraysy, recordsy]; blockbegsys := [constsy, typesy, varsy, proceduresy, functionsy, beginsy]; facbegsys := [intcon, realcon, charcon, ident, lparent, notsy]; statbegsys := [beginsy, ifsy, whilesy, repeatsy, forsy, casesy]; stantyps := [notyp, ints, reals, bools, chars]; lc := 0; ll := 0; cc := 0; ch := ' '; errpos := 0; errs := []; insymbol; t := -1; a := 0; b := 1; sx := 0; c2 := 0; display[0] := 1; iflag := false; oflag := false; if sy <> programsy then error(3) else begin insymbol; if sy <> ident then error(2) else begin progname := id; insymbol; if sy <> lparent then error(9) else repeat insymbol; if sy <> ident then error(2) else begin if id = 'input ' then iflag := true else if id = 'output ' then oflag := true else error(0); insymbol end until sy <> comma; if sy = rparent then insymbol else error(4); if not oflag then error(20) end end; enter(' ', variable, notyp, 0); (* sentinel *) enter('false ', konstant, bools, 0); enter('true ', konstant, bools, 1); enter('real ', typel, reals, 1); enter('char ', typel, chars, 1); enter('boolean ', typel, bools, 1); enter('integer ', typel, ints , 1); enter('abs ', funktion, reals, 0); enter('sqr ', funktion, reals, 2); enter('odd ', funktion, bools, 4); enter('chr ', funktion, chars, 5); enter('ord ', funktion, ints, 6); enter('succ ', funktion, chars, 7); enter('pred ', funktion, chars, 8); enter('round ', funktion, ints, 9); enter('trunc ', funktion, ints, 10); enter('sin ', funktion, reals, 11); enter('cos ', funktion, reals, 12); enter('exp ', funktion, reals, 13); enter('ln ', funktion, reals, 14); enter('sqrt ', funktion, reals, 15); enter('arctan ', funktion, reals, 16); enter('eof ', funktion, bools, 17); enter('eoln ', funktion, bools, 18); enter('read ', prozedure, notyp, 1); enter('readln ', prozedure, notyp, 2); enter('write ', prozedure, notyp, 3); enter('writeln ', prozedure, notyp, 4); enter(' ', prozedure, notyp, 0); with btab[1] do begin last := t; lastpar := 1; psize := 0; vsize := 0 end; block(blockbegsys + statbegsys, false, 1); if sy <> period then error(22); emit(31); (* halt *) if btab[2].vsize > stacksize then error(49); if progname = 'test0 ' then printtables; if errs = [] then begin if iflag then begin if eof then writeln(' input data missing') else begin writeln(' (eor) '); (* copy input data *) while not eof do begin write(' '); while not eoln do begin read(ch); write(ch) end; writeln; read(ch) end; end end; writeln(' (eof) '); interpret end else errormsg; end. ```