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トピック: (面倒なので) DEKO が入れた QC 一覧
投稿数: 2690
(面倒なので) DEKO が入れた QC 一覧
on: 2013/04/11 20:07 Thu


[DEKO が入れた QC 一覧]

124946  Delphi          HTTPApp.HTTPEncode() / HTTPDecode() can't process UTF-8 string.
121452 Delphi System.Zip.TZipFile should be able to specify the encoding
121169 Delphi When the U+0100 or higher character is searched, the string is not highlighted correctly
121152 Delphi Rectangle(Box)-select problem
121151 Delphi Make the position of "FireMonkey Desktop Application" dialog the center of the screen
121150 Delphi Indentation of the source code has been lost
121149 Delphi AllowLinks property does not exist in the TStaticText
121080 Delphi Switching the full screen function
120841 Delphi IDE crashes when to read the BMP of malformed header
120599 Delphi [Feature Request] [Project Manager] Description for unit
117831 Delphi [Documentation] Gets confused by XFM and FMX
117765 Delphi When a VCL style is used, suitable icon size is not chosen
115309 Delphi [FMX] TMemo.SelStart does not work well
114254 C++Builder TIdAntiFreeze requires dclIndyCore.lib
108607 Delphi AnsiStrings.AnsiPos() returns wrong value
105725 Delphi Help system does not work after installing Update 4 Hotfix 1
105723 Delphi [FMX] ImeMode does not work (with Japanese IME)
105704 Delphi [TEdit] Caret moves backward with Japanese IME when Password(or ReadOnly) property is set to True
104599 Delphi IBXConst.pas for the language switch is not present
104224 HTML5 Builder [Localization] [Print Selection] dialog for Source Code is not localized
104223 HTML5 Builder [Localization] Form-designer's context-menu is not localized
104094 Delphi [FMX] An unspecified string is cropped with TMemo
104084 Delphi [Windows, IME] In TEdit, Conversion candidate list of Google-IME is not displayed.
104078 Delphi An unspecified string cannnot canceled if a focus is moved to other control.
104048 Delphi The caret position of an unspecified string is strange while editing Japanese characters
103967 Delphi [Regression in XE2] Value 0 cannot be specified to MSecsToTimeStamp()
103933 Delphi [Regression in Update 4] In-place editor in TStringGrid is not drawn except the first column.
103884 Delphi Value of TCylinder.SubdivisionsCaps cannot specify 1 at design-time.
103810 Delphi [REGRESSION in Update 4] TMemo does not follow scale change
103808 Delphi TCylinder.SubdivisionsHeight is strange
103806 Delphi The value of a TCone.SubdivisionCap property cannot be set default value
103741 Delphi The back is not drawn even if it enabled a TwoSide property.
103698 Delphi TShape3D.Material.Specular property does not work well
103696 Delphi [Virtual Screen Position] view is not displayed
103689 Delphi Error message(e.g., Japanese message) of FireMonkey cannot be read.
103307 Delphi [FMX] List window of TComboBox is always dropped down below
103164 Delphi [Translation: Japanese] The mistake of translation in Object Inspector.
103139 Delphi TModel3D can not be proxy object.
102772 Delphi TGradientEdit is not drawn correctly at runtime
101120 Delphi AppWave Browser destroys the registration information on Delphi 2007
100610 Delphi Separator "string" can't be used to StrUtils.SplitString()
99288 Delphi Position of [Apply Option Set] dialog is strange
99133 Delphi [Documentation] Enumerated-type value is not right
99000 EDN EDN Search can't find the articles from 2011
98948 Delphi Non-visual components such as TFloatAnimation are not visible in Form Designer at design-time.
98747 Delphi Platform.GetTick() should return a Double-precision value
98743 Delphi Even if [DataModule] ClassGroup property is changed, Tool-Palette and Component-Toolbar are not updated.
97941 Delphi TTouchKeyboard on TFrame doesn't work correctly when the touch-panel is used
97212 Delphi default Locale ID of [VersionInfo] dialog is always $0409 (EN-US)
97210 Delphi [REGRESSION] "undefined keyword or key name" error occurs with "Product Version"
97205 Delphi "Error Reading Form" dialog is not translated
93606 Delphi "Item not found ." error occurs with [Ctrl + Enter]
93605 Delphi [Structure Pane] docks with zero-width when a desktop layout is "Classic Undocked"
93479 Delphi Tools parameter of [Configure Tools] doesn't work often correctly.
93341 Delphi TMatch.NextMatch does not work correctly.
93333 Delphi "year" and "day" cannot be included in the group name.
93028 Delphi "Dialog" tab are duplicate [ja]
92149 Delphi When changed Windows theme (Classic) at runtime while application is running, the image of TBitBtn is vanished.
92147 Delphi When changed Windows theme, the Transparent property is changed.
91195 Delphi Hiro is not fathom (do not localize)
91135 Delphi TotalVariance() function Extended version returns wrong value.
91134 Delphi PopnVariance() function Extended version returns wrong value
91133 Delphi Variance() function Extended version returns wrong value
91132 Delphi PopnStdDev() function Extended version doesn't work
91131 Delphi StdDev() function Extended version doesn't work
91130 Delphi MeanAndStdDev() function Extended version doesn't work
91107 Delphi Mean() function Extended version returns wrong value
89326 Delphi [feature request] Support of "Sensor and Location API"
89285 HTML5 Builder [Code Formatter] The negative number becomes a positive number
89156 HTML5 Builder Cell-Attribute UI is not implement.
88851 Delphi [Rave 9.0] Cannot work n% zoom (Invalid class typecast)
88681 Delphi The caption bar of InstallAware7 is not correctly drawn with Windows 7
87611 Delphi TRegEx.Matches returns wrong length.
87435 Delphi HTTPApp.HTMLDecode() does not support surrogate pair.
84241 Delphi View List displayed at an illegal position when the multi monitor is used.
83566 Delphi StringOf() of AnsiString version is not available.
83508 Delphi When the string length is 1 and index is 1, the UnicodeString version of CharToElementIndex() returns 0.
78374 Delphi [Documentation] The hyphen is written by "Numeric character reference"
78319 Delphi When Anchors property includes akBottom, ScaleBy() miscalculates the position
78315 Delphi [Documentation] Can't understand sample source code (Japanese version)
78134 Delphi WideCharToMultibyte() of Windows 2000 miscalculates the size of the buffer
76717 Delphi Readme.html: Indy9 cannot be used any longer (DE/FR/JA)
76495 Delphi Make the position of "Select Directories" dialog the center of the screen.
76433 Delphi AV appears when the IDE-Insight is displayed after a desktop layout is changed.
76352 Delphi IBX: The version of IBX should be "13.13" or "14.14"
76351 Delphi IBX: IBXConst.pas for the language switch is not present
76302 Delphi BDSSetLang: The caption is "Form4"
76301 Delphi BDSSetLang: The language of the Tool-palette doesn't switch
76300 Delphi BDSSetLang: The language of the menu item of the toolbar doesn't switch
76285 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: IME state is not restored (Japanese keyboard layout)
76275 Delphi Make the position of "IDE Insight" dialog the center of the screen.
76274 Delphi Make the position of "Search for forms" dialog the center of the screen.
76273 Delphi Make the position of "Search for Units" dialog the center of the screen.
76237 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: Can't input U+30ED/U+30FC (Japanese keyboard layout)
76235 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: If the kana key is pressed, it is necessary to change the key caption (Japanese keyboard layout)
76234 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: "Kanji" key's caption is empty (Japanese keyboard layout)
76198 Delphi The button in "Value List Editor" is truncated.
75955 Delphi Identifier recreated error with $IFDEF
75906 Delphi Palette toolbar: Search string is not cleared
75905 Delphi Firebird with DBX4: Unicode string of the BLOB field can't be stored with AsString
75904 Delphi Firebird with DBX4: Unicode string of the BLOB field can't be read with AsString
75903 Delphi Firebird with DBX4: Unicode string can't be stored with AsString
75844 Delphi If a new edit window is opened when the embedded designer is turned off, AV is appears.
75843 Delphi When the embedded designer is turned off, the layout becomes "<none>".
75811 Delphi TStrings debugger visualizer: Needs font settings
75810 Delphi TStrings debugger visualizer: Cannot display a surrogate pair
75809 Delphi The property editor for TStrings cannot display a surrogate pair
75773 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: Cannot input with Kana method (Japanease Keyboard layout)
75772 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: Some keys do not work (Japanease Keyboard layout)
75771 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: IME cannot be toggled with "Kanji" key (Japanease Keyboard layout)
75733 Delphi TTouchKeyboard: String truncation "Kanji" key (Japanese keyboard layout)
75732 Delphi The caption of the dialog is not appropriate
75706 Delphi Palette toolbar: Doesn't recover the state of default.
75511 Delphi [feature request] Support of "Text Services Framework(TSF)"
75453 Delphi Can't Compile with Japanese edition
75434 Delphi [feature request] TWinControl.OnRecreated
75390 Delphi Description about WinHelp Viewer is not correct.
75318 Delphi Firebird with DBX4: Firebird driver needs DBXInterbase
75195 Delphi [Online Help] There are no topic about csRecreating/csPanning
74837 Delphi [feature request] Support of the offset jump
74836 Delphi Difficult to dock Object-Inspector and Tool-Palette with Project-Manager
74759 Delphi Problem of Codepage defined with another unit
74669 Delphi When 4bytes-character is included in source-code, result of "Find in Files" isn't correctly displayed
74608 Delphi Box-selected region text and the clipboard text are different
74396 Delphi Update3 not found in About box.
73998 Delphi [feature request] Support of "Remote Control Device"
73990 Delphi [feature request] Introduce the boolean check box into project options.
73160 Delphi When the U+0100 or higher character is searched (prev next), a current searched string is not highlighted.
73158 Delphi When the paste to the Find-combobox, the string is repeated three times.
73144 Delphi String truncation and missing translation in Options-Dialog in japanese version
73124 Delphi Unite terms of "Whole words" (Localization of Japanese)
73123 Delphi Unite terms of "Bookmarks" (Localization of Japanese)
73110 Delphi String truncation and missing translation in "Find" in japanese and german version
73104 Delphi Incremental search does't work
70782 Delphi TIBDatabaseInfo.Version doesn't work.
69322 Delphi The property editor for TStrings cannot display a surrogate pair.
67468 Delphi Control-String of 2-digits should be RawByte.
67368 Delphi When the control character is used, there is a thing that round-trip conversion is done.
67360 Delphi AnsiString version CharLength() doesn't return a correct value.
66693 Delphi [Help] Help-topic of a part of error-code doesn't exist.
66439 Delphi Unit-file is not opened by "Find Declaretion" when the overloaded function is in another name-space.
66438 Delphi Help Insight is confused when the overloaded function is in another name-space.
66320 Delphi Only when the variable is empty, the third argument of SetCodePage() can set False.
66311 Delphi Declared link label of the Help Insight doesn't work.
66310 Delphi If AnsiStrings-namespace is included, the function of same name is confused.
66173 Delphi Refactorings don't work for overloaded procedures/functions.
65921 Delphi Problem of Document Explorer (WinXP)
65912 Delphi When 4bytes-character is included in source-code, result of file-search isn't correctly displayed.
65909 Delphi Personality display of the splash-window is garbled.(Japanese Edition)
65730 Delphi Difficult to make the toolbar multi-lines. (Classic Undocked)
65728 Delphi [Help] AnsiStrings name-space doesn't exist.
65690 Delphi StringElementSize doesn't return the number of code-points.
65629 Delphi "Fold/Unfold" popup-menu appears when the block-element is included in the text-file.
65622 Delphi It becomes impossible to do anything when two or more files are opened at the same time.
65559 Delphi There is no method of specifying the font for the category(Caption?) of TCategoryPanelGroup.
65558 Delphi Object Inspector cannot display a surrogate pair.(without Vista)
65556 Delphi The property editor for TStrings cannot display a surrogate pair.
65443 Delphi When the copy and paste are done in the code editor, a surrogate pair is lost.
65382 Delphi [Request] Tab sort for code editor
65381 Delphi [Request] Add AnsiPosEx to AnsiStrings and SysUtils unit
65343 Delphi Overloaded AnsiString functions doesn't exist. (Format)
65341 Delphi Functions are duplicate.
65155 Delphi AnsiLeftStr/AnsiRightStr/AnsiMidStr does round-trip conversion.
65061 Delphi When the control character is used, the round-trip conversion is done.
65060 Delphi Overloaded AnsiString functions doesn't exist. (Problem of round-trip conversion)
64978 Delphi Overloaded AnsiLeftStr/AnsiMidStr/AnsiReverseString/AnsiRightStr unicode-functions doesn't exist.
64445 Delphi RibbonComboBox cannot be selected.
64444 Delphi RibbonComboBox cannot be moved.
64311 Delphi AnsiPos() function for AnsiString doesn't exist.
63804 Delphi Position of the dialog is strange
62033 Delphi Function name is not corresponding to behavior.
61246 Delphi The control string row substituted for AnsiString is converted from Unicode.
60845 Delphi StrComp/StrIComp/StrLComp/StrLIComp disregards the FULL_WIDTH/HALF_WIDTH.
60616 Delphi WideStringToUCS4String and UCS4StringToWideString are not supported surrogate-pair.
60611 Delphi [Help] About MaxLength
60563 Delphi Rectangle(Box)-select problem

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